Simulating Worst-Case Scenarios for Passive Capital Income

After a period of deprivation and frugality, Luise has entered a phase of greater financial freedom. All her funds are in an ETF portfolio that averages a 7% return in the long term. Unfortunately, the 7% return is not constant and fluctuates significantly. Luise plans to withdraw a certain amount every month, either through dividends or by selling shares. Before I continue with a financial-themed story, I want to clarify that I’m not a financial expert....

September 25, 2023

Back-of-the-envelope Simulation of Stock Prices

When calculating financial goals, it’s often assumed, like on the informative website Finanzfluss, that there’s a fixed annual return. In the suggested return range of around 5% to 7% per year, I dare to challenge the expectation of consistent returns without the fluctuations of stock investments. Therefore, I’ve briefly explored simulating stock prices and implemented a savings plan calculator based on this concept. The focus of this article is on the simulation aspect....

August 16, 2023

Geographic Re-Balancing of Stock ETFs

Various channels claim that rebalancing your stock portfolio increases your return on investment. In this article, I will present the analysis of historical data on geographic allocations of the popular indices MSCI World and MSCI Emerging Markets. 2 remarks before we start: This article was translated from German to English in collaboration between man and machine *To be honest, I was a little disappointed by the translation performance of Even though I am talking finance in this article, I’m not a finance expert at all....

February 18, 2023

Passive income from stock market investments

How can you generate passive income from return on stock market investments or dividends*Dividends are of course also a kind of investment income. I just wanted to mention them again because they play a special role in this article. and when does that make sense? In addition to explanations and anecdotes, I also present mathematical formulas to answer this question🥳*That's a smiley celebrating the existence of math in this article.....

May 13, 2021