Sequences of partial reductions in Elm

In my previous article I derived the calculation for passive income from invested assets and demonstrated a small calculator. It struck me that there was a slight delay in the case of high annual numbers. The cause of the delay lies in my implementation of the formula $$ \sum_{k = 1}^{m-1} \frac {1} {\prod_ {t = 1} ^ {k} w_t}. $$ As described in more detail in the article mentioned above, $ w_t $ denotes the relative market value in the month $ t $ and $ m $ the total number of months....

June 1, 2021

Modular Image Processing Algorithms Revisited - Functional Style

In the blog post from August 2014 we compared the modularization of image processing algorithms with template based policies against the dynamic polymophism based stragety pattern in terms of speed. We will compare the run-time of (almost) the same pixel-wise operations on images again. But this time, we consider different functional modularization techniques. More precisely, we will pass function pointers, lambdas, and derived functors to algorithms with corresponding argument types such as a templated one and std::function among others....

June 18, 2017

Strategy vs. Policy for Image Processing Algorithms

I was wondering for quite a while how much speed-up one can roughly expect by a policy*Modern C++ Design, A. Alexandrescu, 2001 based design of algorithms in C++ using templates compared to the strategy*Design Patterns, E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, and J. Vlissides, 1995 pattern using polymorphism. Thereby, I am especially interested in algorithms for image processing. Strategy vs. Policy in C++ Both, policy and strategy, can be used to modularize algorithms....

August 29, 2014